Do some jobs literally have no list of necessary skills and experience to do well?   I don’t think so.  You have to be strong and have stamina to dig ditches.  You need knowledge of the law to be an attorney.  You need to have studied medicine to be a doctor.  If we were hiring someone to do one of those jobs, we would have a pretty serious look at their qualifications.  Why then, do we give the most important jobs in America, our President and our elected representatives to just about anyone who says what we want to hear?

 If they promise us the right things, we say OK, you’re our man or woman and we don’t seem to give a thought to their ability to do any of them.  The Junior Senator from Alabama is a man named Tommy Tuberville.  Senator Tuberville has a B.S. degree in physical education, which means he went to college while playing football.  He spent his career ordering teenagers around on a football field.  His resume consists of several different places where he ordered people around on a football field, a brief stint talking about football on TV, and a side job as a salesman for a fraudulent investment firm.    We just sent him to Washington to help make our laws for us.  What does legislation have to do with football?  Nothing.  Senator Tuberville, in an a newspaper interview, said the three branches of government were, “the House, the Senate, and the executive”.   He also said World War II was fought to rid Europe of socialism.   But then, he graduated college with a football degree and spent his whole career immersed in football.  We shouldn’t expect him to know anything about history or government.   It is puzzling why we would think that a person that doesn’t know anything much about history or government is a good choice to work in a high level job in government. 

Mr. Tuberville is in the Senate today because Jeff Sessions, the man who formerly held this seat, got picked by President Trump to be his Attorney General.  Senator Sessions demonstrated that he was an honorable man by recusing himself from an investigation of his own boss.  His boss, seeing this as an inexcusable lack of loyalty, made his life miserable until he resigned.   When Jeff ran in the Republican primary to get his Senate seat back, President Trump threw his support behind Tommy Tuberville.  Tuberville’s campaign consisted of telling the voters that he would support President Trump 100% no matter what. He basically won an “I love President Trump more than you do” contest.   Of course, he won the general election.  He ran as a Republican who is opposed to abortion and, to a majority of Alabama voters, that’s all the matters.   

Senator Tuberville was sworn in as a member of the United States Senate on January 3’rd 2021.  So far he has kept his campaign promise of supporting President Trump no matter what, voting to erase the Constitution to keep his man in the oval office. On January 20’th 2021 Joseph Biden will be sworn in as the 47’th President of the United States.  I don’t have any idea what Senator Tuberville is going to do after that and , I suspect, neither does he. Out of a job in 17 days.